Trapped in a library somewhere in the United States, our correspondent's only means of communication is...

My Word's Worth


I've run this poem through Spell-Check
And it's perfect as can bee;
We hardly need humans now that machines
Can reed and here and see!

Wee don't come with dictionaries
Planted in our brain.
Were not that good at picky details;
We focus on the mane

Idea. We do grand design.
They overdue perfection.
They ketch us wen we're at our wurst
And make each small correction.

Thank you, Spell-Check! Thanks to you,
Nothing could be rarer
Than typos, since at last weave dun
Aweigh with human error.

Please feel free to send any comments on this column to Marylaine Block

Previous Columns: Debut, Week 2, Hard Copy, Word Child, Every Other Inch A Lady, Naming of Books, Progress, maybe (sort of...), All Reasons Great & Small

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